Join us for

Join us for
Trunk Show & Fireside Chat
Enjoy hors d'oeuvres and refreshments
as you mingle with like-minded people and take in the beauty
& amazing details of Legit Kit Quilts.
February 12th
6pm - 8pm
Trunk Show & Fireside Chat
with Jaymi Horne
Enjoy hors d'oeuvres and refreshments
as you mingle with like-minded people and take in the beauty
& amazing details of Legit Kit Quilts.
February 12th
6pm - 8pm
Join us for
The Legit Kits Workshop!
The Legit Kits Workshop!
with Jaymi Horne
Foundation Paper-piecing Workshop
Choose your favorite Legit Kit to learn about & build
during the workshop
February 13-14th
9am - 5:30pm
You can pick your own kits for the workshop
Order your kits at,if you haven't purchased one already.Use coupon code -
IMAGINE (all caps)
for 10% off the kit price.
The kits will be sent to the purchaser before the class starts. If someone already has a kit, they can bring that.